In der Affäre um die Massenabmahnungen der Regensburger Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Urmann + Collegen veröffentlicht das Team von die Stellungnahme des RedTube Mutterkonzerns Manwin.
Seit Beginn des Monats hatte die auf Abmahnungen spezialisierte Rechtsanwaltskanzlei mehrere Tausend Anschlussinhaber wegen des Vorwurfs vermeintlicher Urheberrechtsverletzungen auf dem Pornostreamingportal „“ abgemahnt und neben der Abgabe einer strafbewehrten Unterlassungserklärung die Zahlung von 250,- Euro verlangt. Das Team von vertritt rund 600 Betroffene Anschlussinhaber in der Angelegenheit.
Noch ist offen, wie das Unternehmen itGuards Inc. an die IP-Adressen der Betroffenen gelangte. Die Kanzlei VON RUEDEN hatte vergangene Woche Strafanzeige gegen verantwortliche Personen erstattet und dadurch Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft ausgelöst. Rechtsanwalt Johannes von Rüden zeigte sich wenig überrascht von der eindeutigen Distanzierung aus Kanada gegenüber den Abmahnanwälten.
RedTube Reaffirms Position That Copyright Claims are Unfounded
Company intends to take immediate action on those accountable
December 12, 2013 – Luxembourg – RedTube, the leading provider of adult content with 25 million daily users, refutes the matter in which thousands of RedTube users have received so-called “cease and desist letters”. RedTube stands by its firm opinion that these letters are completely unfounded and that they violate the rights of those who received it in a very serious manner.RedTube reaffirms its position that the Company takes all its customers personal data very seriously and applies the highest privacy standards for its visitors on an on-going basis.
The Company goes on to emphasize that RedTube certainly did not submit any personal data to any law firm or any authority or entity, and that it seems very likely that the data was obtained by using dishonest measures.“As serious allegations have surfaced in the media recently,” stated Vice President Alex Taylor, “rest assured that our counsel received an immediate mandate to pursue all necessary actions to make all related entities accountable for the damage that has been caused.” Taylor continued, “In 2013, blackmailing and violating the privacy of German citizens’ private domain should not and will not be tolerated.”
Redtube would like to reach out to its viewers who have received one of the spamming letters, and ask they get in touch with Redtube immediately. If you have received one of these letters, please let us know by contacting us at
For more information contact:
Media@redtube.comAbout Redtube
Redtube is an ad-supported adult video sharing website that allows users from around the world to watch professional and amateur pornographic videos. Created in 2007, Redtube’s popularity has grown to welcome an audience of 25 million people a day and ranks as the 105th most popular website worldwide, according to Alexa.